In early January, I attended knitting class a member of our local mom's club put together at a great little shop in Old Town called fibre space.
I'm not sure why I signed up, other than my promise to myself that, in 2010, I'd try new things. And, for some reason, knitting seems to be EVERYWHERE. Then again, vampires pop up all over the place too and, other than reading my way through those awful Twilight books, I haven't been outside at night hunting for prey.
For two hours, I learned how to cast on and the knit stitch. I enjoyed the company of some new and some familiar faces. I left with a rather disastrous-looking purple blob of merino wool thinking, some day, it might be a child's scarf.
Fast-forward two months and the blob hasn't grown much as I've barely touched it. So why did I sign up for yet another class today? Well, it seemed like a good idea to find out why my blob is so blobby, and maybe to learn the second major stitch, the purl. I'm also trying to figure out why I'm drawn to and repelled by crafts, and anything that smacks of creativity. More on that later.
So, today, I will face another fear/challenge and force myself into yet another uncomfortable situation: knitting class, part two.
You can read about - and spot the early days of my purple blog - on Nancy's blog, Summer Sky: Learning as I go. The knitting class is posted here.
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